Depressed only at home?


So I’ve been really suicidal lately but it’s something that I only feel at my house. Is there like an actual thing where you’re depressed cuz of a certain surrounding? I have this friend and I love him to death and I know he loves me and cares for me so much and he agrees that this depression only occurs at my house. It’s like everywhere else I’m almost always perfectly fine and happy. I know someone loves me and cares for me and then I get home and I no longer believe anyone, not even my best friend when he tells me he loves me…is this weird? Does anyone have advice for me? I already do a ton of school activities (I’m in 10th grade) and am rarely at home…

asked October 6, 2013

2 Answers

Yes, it is possible. What I would do is make a safe place at home, ex. your room. Make it a place of happiness, things that make YOU happy. Things that take your mind off what's bothering you at home. Put a lot of pictures up; quotes from your favorite songs and artists. Make it so that when you think about it, or go there, you're happy :)
It is possible! I used to only be depressed at home, school was my only escape. It is quite possible you are suffering from "Smiling Depression", which basically means that when you are at school, or out, you are putting on a 'smiling' face, and repressing your feelings of depression, and when you get home, you let it all out. This can be done subconsciously, so you aren't even aware of it. I suggest speaking to your family doctor, especially with the suicidal behavior. Your doctor will be able to sort out the problem and help you get back to living a happy life. This is exactly what happened to me, so don't worry, you aren't alone!