

Have you ever just had this phase,
Where your mind is in some sort of dark, cynical state,
And you’re like, drowning,
Unable to get out of the kink
And you’re super afraid?

You don’t want to harm yourself or anything,
But you just…it’s so hard to explain.

Category: Tags: asked February 10, 2014

2 Answers

I've been there. Trust me. Sometimes it's nice to just get lost in the darkness, and not notice what's going on around you. But you've gotta snap out of it at some point. All good things must come to an end.
I think it happens to everybody. Hey, things happen in life and sometimes, things don't work out and you seem like you're in a rut. That's normal though--you can't expect for things to work out all the time or for life to continue being comfortable without any problems. That's kind of unrealistic as life is unexpected and sometimes works against our favor. And it's expected that anyone under some pressure or in low moods to be miserable. One thing I can say to you though, as another human being who struggles with life like you and everyone else, is to keep going. What else can you do? Just stay in one place without moving forward? What's the point in that? You have a life to live, mistakes and successes to make. Who knows what will happen for you in the future? Rather than putting everything into some kind of a hope for things turning out to be "perfect," why not just live with curiosity for what happens next? Rather than focusing on whether you're disappointed or not at one specific moment, why not focus on seeing life a whole and seeing what happens the next day? It allows for more freedom with yourself, doesn't it? :) Have a great day! -Ravvi