Comparing yourself to others


Is it a healthy thing to do? One always finds that others are somehow better than they are. Should you compare yourself to others, whether it’s social status, income, appearance, etc.?

Category: Tags: asked November 27, 2014

7 Answers

"Stop comparing, do your thing."
I dont believe that people should compare themselves with other people, for the simple reason that all people are different and it only puts your self-esteem down, comparing people is like comparing a watermelon with a pineapple, each has their area of strength, weakness, a unique taste, texture and appearance. Just appreciate them both as they are, beautiful and completely unique. People, think differently, act differently, speak and even walk differently. I often have the problem of comparing myself to people im jealous of, but always stop it in its tracks through both gratefulness and the thought that no one can think the same way or have the same crazy, wonderful ideas that I have, that kind of keeps me whole xD . I also have the habit for going off topic... sorry if i've done that xD
I say no. I think in my opinion the only time comparing yourself to others should be done is when you WANT to IMPROVE! As in setting yourself a goal to reach, not in social status or whatever, but more into like role model type of thing. Like for me, I choose a soccer player, look at a certain attribute and keep practicing the way they do and compare my self with how they are.
Comparing ourselves to one another is perfectly normal. What is important is that we do not unfairly compare ourselves in ways that are unhealthy. You can see an attribute of another person and compare it to yourself, that is called perspective.
I think comparing yourself to others is perfectly normal I do it all the time it gives me a goal to strive for for example if I see someone with a good personal trait I would learn from that person to try to make my self a better person or if I see someone making more money than me I would like to learn how that person does it and see if it is benefiting for meto do it as well but not hurt that person that taught you those things. I think it only is a problem if you see other people with higher status or make more money and you and you realize you can't catch up so you harm them to try to bring them down that would be a problem always learn from other people to make yourself a better person. I hope this answers your question and I wish you the best of luck. :)
Comparing yourself to make you a better person is totally ok and normal. However, if you are comparing and it is bringing you down or you are bringing others down, that isn't as ok. No matter what you do, "the grass is always greener on the other side." - or seems to be anyway. Just be yourself. If you are good enough for someone to love you, you are good enough for everyone.
You have legs,arms,fingers,eyes,ear, heart and brain. Stop comparing, you're already perfect and not everyone has that. Be thankful for what you have and stop listening to what others say c: