Can’t play videogames without feeling useless?


This is real trivial here, but I remember growing up loving videogames. I learned like, a crapload about how they work and I was up to date with every new release, up until like, early 2012. Ever since then, I’ve been losing my enjoyment of them and the past year or so has had a lotta pitfalls, but for some reason whenever I try to play a game nowadays it feels like I’m wasting time that I should be spending doing other stuff. I get enough sixth form work done, y’know, so I don’t get why I still feel that way. Even when there isn’t work, I feel lousy and lazy. Videogames were one of my main ways to relax and kinda enjoy my free time but I just haven’t felt it recently. Am I freaking out over nothing?

I’d like to point out that I’ve watched like, 20 episodes of supernatural this week and haven’t felt that feeling of uselessness. I don’t understand.

asked April 14, 2014

3 Answers

You seem to have made some form of connection with Video Games and being lazy/unproductive. There's a whole bunch of ways to teach yourself to break ties similar to that, CBT would be the professional way to go just for reference though.I definitely don't think you're freaking out either - I can occasionally feel the same way when it comes to gaming - majority of the time I just continue playing and eventually get engulfed in the game anyway.I would recommend teasing in things that you feel productive doing - physical exercise would be a great one. During cutscenes or lobbies (depending on what you play etc) get on the floor and do push ups and sit ups! I do this quite often regardless and at the very least you will be in the same position but have something to show for it!Burnie Burns from Rooster Teeth (Creator of Red vs Blue) plays ALL of his video games while walking on a treadmill - clocking up miles and miles over the hours and hours he plays. I love that idea and will probably try it when I get a new place!
I guess I could try gaming after my daily exercise. I'll report back on how it goes.
Not sure if you have a PS3 or Xbox but what if you become an achievement/trophy hunter. I felt like gaming was useless too because well..hours passed without noticing and I procrastinated schoolwork for gaming. Eventually I just started gaming less, like once a week for 2 hours. Now I kinda look forward to gaming as I barely game plus trophy hunting satisfies my needs as a gamer so maybe that'd work for you too. Gaming just a few hours a week just to relax shouldn't make you feel so useless.