Can you be my friend?


Hi, I don’t usually do this kind of things but I think I have been too lonely. All I ever wished for in my life was to have a best friend. Even one would be enough. I want someone that understands my pain and wouldn’t call me names just because I show my feelings. It’s hard to find people that you can trust nowadays. I was hoping I’d make some friends here. I have experienced much pain in my life that I can relate to almost anything you’d throw at me.
So would you be my friend despite the fact that I’m a little broken? I don’t really know how things run here. Add me up I guess?

Category: Tags: asked April 28, 2014

7 Answers

Everybody is a little broken, whether they show it or not. Some people are more in touch with their emotions and their "darkness" than others, and nobody should be punished or ostracized for it. Feel free to message me anytime.
A puzzle is broken... but when you fit the pieces right and take time to understand it, then step back and see the bigger picture... its beautiful.Im always here, arms open, shoulders ready, and an ear to listen to that voice in a crowd who no one would listen too.Message me anytime or if you want, here's my Skype rubiks_dude_joe
If it is not a deal-breaker, I MAY make a Star Wars joke or two at your expense. My skype add is Jonathan Sprayberry.
Hi, I feel the same. I make a mess for nothing, I'm getting worse with time passing and a lot of people around me say that I need a friend... I like being alone, I'm a lonely person, but sometimes I think that everyone needs to be helped, or simply listened to. Write me whenever you want :)
Of course! I love helping people out and am always looking for a new friend. I would love to talk to you and please feel free to message me anytime! I would enjoy getting to know you :-)
Of course! Message me anytime!! I will friend request you!
I see every person as a possibility, and I believe anyone can be fixed. I am not a sunny weather friend, so if you absolutely need to talk to someone, I'll be happy to talk with you.:)