Can I have some advice… please?


Long story ahead, sorry but I seriosly need help.

I have a friend, we met in college and are like the best of friends. We hangout all the time and stuff. Unfortunately, she’s in a state of flunking school if she failed one more subject. Currently, she isn’t placing much effort on school work and is failing quizzes and not submitting projects. I try talking to her about it, giving her the heads up of being dropped by our institute, she gets the idea and we talk about how we can fix that. Though she just gets the momentum for like… 3 days or so? and when that ends, she does her usual stuff like not caring. Idk how else to persuade her coz yea she gets the fact that she might change schools but I don’t see much effort. She says she doesn’t want to, but idk really. I don’t want her to change schools coz she’s my best friend and we live so far away, takes a 3 hour trip to get to each others house. And I doubt I have time to do so since college is very hectic and tiring. Please, any advice on how to persuade her? or maybe manipulate her to study hard?. :c

Category: Tags: asked February 6, 2014

3 Answers

You could maybe try to send her daily notes/texts of encouragement to see if that helps her keep her motivation to study. You could also try reaching out to her family to see if they have any ideas that might help encourage her. Another suggestion might be to see if you can get any of her other friends involved in helping motivate her. Maybe she needs a study group to give her help and a sense of community. Best of luck, I hope things work out for both of you!
Sorry to say this, but it's really out of your hands for the most part. The thing is, you can do everything you can to encourage her, help her, motivate her to take her studies more seriously and everything, but if she doesn't want to do it... she never will. She has to find that drive in herself to go trough with it, you can't do it for her. I don't know her situation, but maybe there's something bothering her... or she simply can't find any motivation. Maybe what she needs is to talk to someone, help her figure out her study plan, what she wants and what she needs to do in order to fulfill her goals.

But of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't continue trying to help her out. Maybe organize a study group or something, give her reminders on dead-lines etc, check if she's done things.

Motivate her. Tell her how you're feeling about this, about how you really don't want her to have to leave. As best friends, she probably feels the same.