Breakdown in the night?


So I just sent an email in to sixth form explaining that I can’t make it in because of a breakdown last night and I want to know if it’s a justified absence based on opinions here if that’s alright:

Last night I was reminded of when I was being an asshole around two years ago and that chained on to a whole bunch of other thoughts and I ended up crying for literally one hour straight about a variety of things – how I don’t entirely like myself, how I feel like I’m not really stuck to any mindset and change too often, how I’m terrible at meeting new people in my town, the loneliness that makes me feel, the fact that I haven’t cuddled somebody properly for a long time and a general lack of real life affection, and a few other things which I’d probably remember later and this messed up my sleep for the night and I woke up with a pretty bad headache and a general lack of spirit.

Was my absence justified? Either way, what do I do to get help with all this? I don’t know where to begin.

asked March 4, 2014

3 Answers

Firstly I think your absence is justified, just don't make it a habit. If you can talk to a teacher you get along with then just mention it.
Think about what it is that is bringing you down the most, you could even make a list and write/type it, seeing it all helps. Then start to fix the little things first, they are easier and you'll feel better and become a stronger person so when you get to the big thing you'll know you can tackle it and overcome it. Make yourself small targets each day and as long as you are achieving them you know you're taking steps forward and not just stuck in one place. You can do this. If you do need support find someone either online or someone in your life that you can trust. There are nice people out there you just got to find them.I know it's short but I really hope it helps.
I think it's justified. I've taken the odd day or two off because of meltdowns, it cannot become a habit though as @forever_undead has said. You'll have go back in eventually, my tutor noticed I was having problems, I eventually told her why I was dodging days of college, she then referred me to an on site counsellor. Mention it to a member of staff, they'll help you.
Depends on the school, that absence would never be justified in my school simply because my school is intensively professional and leaves no room for meltdowns. My housemate actually had a anxiety attack in the middle of class and he was still required to show up for the next, haha. But that's just my school, i am sure in other schools that absence is definitely justified. Now, loneliness is a very natural thing to students at a school far from home. The only way to solve this is simply talking to people. Keep approaching people, ask to have lunch with people, rejection after rejection do this and eventually you'll have friends just from this action. Go to social meetings, join a club. You will definitely meet great people there who you can connect with. You MUST get yourself out there if you wish to get over loneliness, the problem will not solve itself on its own. It is okay to have meltdowns, you are only human. You will have terrible lows from time to time but it is then your job to climb back up and keep going at it. Get out of your comfort zone and a lot will change simply because of that. Seeing a therapist may also help, however from what I have read it seems like you can definitely solve this problem on your own.