Baby Steps…


For those of you fighting with bipolar or depression, what baby steps did you take to get yourself back on track? I am seeing a doctor, on medication, trying to take good care of myself otherwise, but I still can’t seem to shake these feelings and get motivated again. I don’t know what else to do. Any suggestions or ideas would be VERY much appreciated.

Category: Tags: asked October 1, 2013

3 Answers

In addition to seeing a psychiatrist, I also see a therapist and do group therapy once a week. I also read A LOT of self-help books--- Feeling Good, by David Burns is the most famous that I have read and can be really helpful. I try to consciously be nice to myself and treat myself kindly and compassionately. I repeat some phrases like "One step at a time" and "You can do it". Sometimes, I talk out loud to myself in order to do basic things like take a shower or dress or eat or clean my house. I will play calming music in my house. I have a religion I am comfortable with, so I do a lot of prayer also. Basically, anything that you think will help, throw it at the depression and see if it sticks.
I did read a lot of books when i was depressed and lonely, it was an escape into a different reality, but something did happen that made me tick at wanting more in my life just like in the books. Just know that depression is just a word and it's much more than that, like low self-esteem, poor confidence, a negative mindset, its like a bag to simplify a very complex feeling. It's good to acknowledge yourself and walk towards improving yourself, a good start would be a journal to write down and hold all your feelings, your goals and your dreams, so you won't forget them, so that you can always flip it back open whenever your feeling down to remind yourself who you were in the past and maybe become your own hero again
When i'm depressed I enjoy watching comedy. Laughing at things helps a lot for me. Music also helps a lot for me. I'd suggest finding something that you enjoy and getting absorbed in it. Or at the very least, create a schedule for yourself. Have things that you do everyday at certain times. I know when i'm out of school and work, I tend to dwell on the negative things in life more than when i'm busy. Those are just some simple things that may help.