Anyone Else Feel This?


So I am finishing my first year of university and its so hard! The courses aren’t that hard, it is just the waiting for something to happen, all I can think about is I have 3 years left and I don’t know what I will be doing, who I will be friends with, where I will be living! I know I have no way of knowing any of that yet but isn’t it annoying! I just want my life to feel like content… I figured once I got to university I would know what I want…

Category: asked April 10, 2013

3 Answers

I bet it is probably ok to not know what you want to do or where you want to go. Take a deep breath and let life come to you. Rushing it will only remove the fun.
I know this feeling. When I started college, it was literally only because I wanted to keep my health insurance. What's funny is that we didn't know that we had to prove that I was in college. So, I just signed up for a general studies 2 year program. But, when I was almost done with the two years I switched to a 4 year Psych program. I really want it to be over so that I can get on with grad school. I've also got problems with my fiance. We've had to postpone the wedding which was set for this october. Because he refuses to be a grown up and get his GED and get a job and stop mooching off of my parents. So, I worry alot about if it'll ever work or if we'll get married and I just want it to be over with. Just enjoy it now when you can because I just want it to be over with.Dora
The first year will by far be the most harrowing, but as time progresses things like where you live and who you hang out with become smaller issues, or become resolved as you grow independent. As for where you want it to take you in life, I can only tell you how I thought about it.I went to UNI not for better work or a specific career path but because I was interested in gaining new experience and knowledge in both my studies and lifestyle, thrusting myself into responsibility - into the unknown. An important thing to never let go of is that life is only lived once, and so you should aim for what makes you as happy as possible when you come to it. Regardless, It's very, very unlikely that you'll end up without a roof above you and friends or family by your side, so keep that in mind!“Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don’t.”