Am I still depressed?


Hey y’all, I’ll spare the soppy backstory but just give a little background info. So I’m in “12″th grade (though, do lack of credits I probably won’t be graduating with my class) and from 8th-10th grade I was going through some serious issues. I was diagnosed with depression, I was directed to a therapist, got on some meds, etc. I regret my two years in highschool of doing fucking nothing and if I could go back and do it all over, you can be damn sure I would. But life doesn’t work that way.

Nowadays, I’m typically happy. The only thing I really want is a job, but I need to get my license first (yes, didn’t get that either because I wanted nothing to do with driving when I was in that emotional rut), and then hopefully I will start applying.

Well, I mentioned I’m usually happy nowadays. And I am. But with school matters, I’m not. Soon as I think about not being able to graduate on time, getting held back a year, disappointing my parents since I really do not want to go to college – anything school related, makes me miserable.

I don’t want to die. There’s a lot of stuff I desperately want to do. But I honeslty don’t know if I can take all this school shot anymore… I think of killing myself more. I love heights, so I always get a thrill out of climbing trees, being on all buildings, etc. That’d be my preferred method of killing myself. At first I brushed this off as just being sad, but I don’t know anymore…walking home, I look at the passing cars and I legitimately think of what it would be like jumping in front of one but I

overthink things, I try to be considerate of others despite how hard it can be and I think, wow, if I jumped in front of this persons car that’d be really traumatic for them. I don’t want to convenience anybody…I don’t want to be selfish. I don’t want to die and I’m sorry, but at the rate this is going I can’t deal with school.

There are so many fantastic people in my life and I love them more than they could ever know. I get so attached to people it’s not even funny, and they would never suspect it. I don’t want to kill myself because I don’t want it to be noticed. But of course, I can’t just magically disappear and not except a damn thing.

And don’t get me wrong, I usually am happy! When I’m not thinking about school as stuff. My classes aren’t hard compared to others, but it’s still hard to me so I could give less of a fuck if someone in more challenging classes says “ohhh, you’re so stupid you could never do this” you know what, I don’t care. We’re all human beings deep down and you could be in a slower class or a faster one, and it can still be hard for you.

But I still feel guilty sad angry selfish and I don’t know. I mean I feel incredibly happy when I’m not talking about school matters…I mean, I love learning I love most of my teachers to DEATH. But I can’t graduate, I won’t graduate, I can’t grow up and I’m not strong enough to survive. I don’t think I’m depressed, I shouldn’t be right? I’m just so confused.

I don’t want to die but at the same time I do….I don’t know what to do or who to talk to. I have so many great adults in my life I could discuss this with but I wouldn’t want to put them in an awkward situation by doing that. And I’m super sensitive, I break down crying at everything…happy, sad, mad, etc…

It’s just. I wish my school put me in one of those emotional support schedules back in 9th grade. Many nice people I knew were and they were going through a lot of shit like me too. But why not me? Why didn’t I get that? I don’t want to sound selfish but I think it would have helped me and…they just offered it to me NOW like…dude, teachers….it’s my “last” year….I’m happy now…why couldn’t I get the help I needed, when I needed it most? I don’t understand. The guidance counselor knew about my meds, my depression, my therapist, etc. So why didn’t i

I’m sorry, I’m bitching too much. If I could choose work over school, I would..I love my teachers, I love learning latin, anatomy – my two favourite subjects. But I can’t deal with this stress. I csnt deal with my past fuck-ups preventing me from progressing in the future and I know I’m just a stupid kid, but it’s just not fair. :(

Idk. I’m confused.the fuck is wrong with me?

Category: asked December 3, 2013

5 Answers

Nothing is wrong with you, you are just over thinking the little things. I know you do not care much for school, but always do your best even if its the easiest way out. Trust me I didn't care much for school either. Again do your best, make some friends have a social life, you taking meds and going to talk to therapists makes you more depressed. Having friends and or maybe a boy/girl friend and just enjoy every part of your life. Good Luck!
@catherine Thank you. I used to think I was manic but I was never a fan of self-diagnosing myself. Yes, my thoughts are very scattered. I don't know how to describe myself or what to think of myself and I'm very confused.@some-girl22 While I appreciate the help, the problem is not me "not liking" school. It's about my depression and how it prevented me from doing as good as I could have, I never got the proper attention/special help I feel like I should have had, and I have wonderful friends. My social life is fine. That's not the problem, but thanks anyways.
Do you often feel like you are "not good enough" for things like receiving presents, or even graduating? Also, are you setting a hurtle in front of you by not not being able to get a job because you don't have your license? Do you mind if I ask if you have a parent that is an alcoholic?
@HDOT Well I don't think I'm good enough for receiving presents, but I know for a fact I'm not graduating thanks to my younger-self making some pretty poor decisions. I don't like to blame things on others much but honestly, I wish I had gotten more help in my school when I was struggling back then. But nope, they had to wait until the last minute for that shit. My parents are not alcoholic. Don't smoke, don't drink (excessively).
years from now you will look back and see how at this moment, you had all kinds of possibilities open to you. because you do! you know what you can do? you can get your GED and be out of school. You will have the equivalent of a high school diploma, you can go to a community college or trade school or join the military or whatever you want to do. yes! nothing you have done in the last few years needs to hold you back from life, and that's the truth. make your plan, my friend. what do you want to do? then go do it and put all of yourself into it--you will make an incredible life for yourself if you do.