Am I looking too far into this?


So I have been seeing this guy for a couple days, and we have been friends for a while. We don’t really show any affection around his roommates, which I’m fine with because we’re not official, but when we’re alone he does really sweet things. Ex he massages me without me asking, he pulls me in closer to him so we’re cuddling and he always holds me close or rubs my skin when he touches me.
Am I looking too much into it, or are these signs that he really does like me or are these normal things and he just wants to get in my pants lol

Category: Tags: asked October 7, 2014

1 Answer

Ahh I see. Guess it did come across as a little creepy as I described it. I don't know how to un-creep it. Basically, he just seems to care more than the average guy, but I'm worried if it's just because when we're alone, and he wants to get physical lol