am i a good poet?


can you help me?

Soft cries and messy rooms
Dark night and smelly fumes
Broken hearts spare me time
It’s too late to say goodbye
He’s not even worth a dime
Lies, lies, lies
All came out of those pink lips
Oh, those pretty soft kisses
The way he holds me tight
No I cant, never can I
Fall again for a killer
I should fight
My feelings for tonight
After all they’ll melt away
With every tear, with every slice
With his blood I roll the dice
And hope in the woods
I don’t get caught

is it good?

Category: Tags: asked July 6, 2014

5 Answers

No one is a good poet neither someone is a bad poet... poetry is poetry... it's main purpose isn't money nor fame, but instead, a piece of art that can bring your emotions, not only to loosen up but also to share... well, a poet doesn't necessarily need to follow rules on writing... because for me, writing a poem depends on your emotion... no one can hinder the way you want to say things, the rhyme can not, the syllables can not too... everything is up to you... Also, a poet doesn't have to rely on other people's work, you must be confident and be creative on your own way... well, to cut it short, your poem is good, it can give enough emotions, enough to let people know what you are feeling right now... well, that is all thank you...
It's pretty generic and your vocabulary bit flat, but keep at it, read poetry and litterature from different time periods to learn expressions and words.
I agree with The Prince of Tragedy.
I have read quite many pieces of self-proclaimed poets, and there is no pattern to it. And seriously there is not bad/good poetry. Tho the vocabulary and the way words are twisted and beautifully compiled to have heavy meaning to it, that matters.
You're doing good . It's a great start. I see you have an idea as to what to write, but it can be polished further when you keep reading more poetry. You'll get there, keep on writing!:D
Its not bad. But its not great either. Your vocabulary is quite flat and limited. Expression and feeling seems a little lacking. BUT. Poems are about what you feel, so if thats what you feel. Its perfect. :)
What you put into this poem is a lot of emotion and i paint a great picture in my mind with your words.I agree with some of the above that if you just added words that really fit with this poem it would be brilliant,other than that,I'm impressed:) keep up the good work,never give up on such a glorious passion,your on a mountain that is only going up:) Good Luck:)