Abuse survivors – do or did you lie?


I have a 14 year old who dealt with sexual abuse from age 7 to 11. Abuser is in prison, she has moved out of her family home and in with me. I find her making up ridiculous lies to her friends. For example, she lies about medical conditions. Says she has to go in for some serious tests (MRI) because she has epilepsy. She does not. Says she was raised in foster homes around the country. She was not. HELP! I don’t know what to do about this or how to help her quit lying.

Category: Tags: asked September 9, 2014

3 Answers

In all honesty I don't know what to do either. Try sitting down and talking to her about it. Communication is extremely important. I have no experience in what you, or the girl is going through. The only thing I can really say is try to find a therapist.
Being sexually abused is a serious traumatic event, especially if it was repetitive for several years. I would strongly strongly recommend getting her with a nurturing and experienced professional as soon as possible. Professional therapists are professionals for a reason. There are limits to what the average person can do in this kind of severe situation without a lot of training. A professional will be able to help her cope with what happened and how she can better manage her feelings and behaviors. They can also help you better cope and deal with the difficulties you will also experience being her guardian.
Lying about other serious issues is common is abuse victims because admitting the abuse happened is too hard for any number of reasons but they just need attention/someone to care/know she went through something horrible etc. How I understand, it is quite a common reaction. If it's not doing damage, then don't punish her for it. Try talking to her though, see how she really is, know that you are there for her. You should get her to talk to a psychologist because this is a sign that she has unresolved feelings related to the abuse that she needs to deal with. x