5 1/2 Months Pregnant and Depressed


For the past couple weeks I’ve been getting depressed for no reason. I want to look forward in having my child and all but taking full time classes, conflicts with my boyfriend, and the uncertainty of the future has been getting me down. It also could be hormones but I’m not totally sure. Has anyone else experienced this while pregnant? Does anyone know how to manage it? I used to be on depression pills before getting pregnant but of course I can’t take them now.

Category: Tags: asked September 3, 2014

1 Answer

Never been pregnant, But my sister is And her doctor mentioned depression is fairly normal with pregnancy. Talk to your doctor, and your boyfriend about the way you're feeling. Also your doctor would be the best choice to offer things you could do to get passed the depression, Rather then strangers. You're making a huge life change, you're bound to be scared, worried and depressed. But you're bringing a beautiful little life into the world, Theirs going to be many amazing moments in your future.