14, cannot leave the house


Hi, I’m 14, and i’m starting to get ready to get a job. One problem, I can’ leave the house, I have this horrible crippling anxiety, I can’t leave the house without freaking out or worrying myself sick, I have no idea what to do, I’ve tried vitamins, but I don’t want to go anywhere near pills. What do I do?

asked October 4, 2015

4 Answers

Vitamins do not cure anxiety. You obviously want to get better, but the only way to do that is to confront what is scaring you. You have to leave the house, a little bit at a time, and re-introduce yourself to the world. I know that it is scary, but there is an entire world outside, and your mind is telling you that you want to be part of it.

The only way to become happier is to change things, the thing that needs to change is your hiding from your fear.
As someone who suffers from anxiety I can tell you right now, pills don't help as much as you think they do. They only calm your body, like your heartbeat and such , however if you are still anxious mentally, that won't go away (this comes from someone who takes anxiety pills btw). Try to find a hobby to relax you. Reading, jogging, visiting the park, try Yoga, listening to calm music, anything you can think of. Also breathing exercises help alot, trust me. Look for some on youtube and you'll notice the difference.But I have a question however... you're going to work at 14? Not saying it won't be good for you, but isn't it like child exploration or something?
I'm saying I'm getting ready for one, as i'll have my work permit soon, but I can't leave the house at ALL, so I don't know what job I can possibly get later in life
First of all, let me start by saying that I agree with the other answers in the fact that pills won't help you overcome what you are dealing with, at best they will just push it to the side.The only real way to overcome your fear of anything, like going outside in your example, is to embrace it. I'm not going to say that as soon as you go out, all your fears will go away, but at least you will have gone outside and not looked back. If you spend all of your time thinking about going out and not actually doing it, everything is left to your imagination.This is similar to jumping into a cold swimming pool. You know it's going to be cold, but only when you jump in can you start to warm up, and trust me, you're happy when you do.