
Display Name


About Me

Hello, [ Me ]

• I recognize that I have my own problems as well as everyone else. I like to vent as much as I do listen.
• I WILL NOT say I have a cure-all, but I can give some advice that has worked well with me and others in the past or in the present.
• I am a student of psychology, let me intensify student, I do not know all answers or have extensive experience, but I have read up on certain things.
• I need advice too. I have had a rollercoaster of good and bad times, most of it leading to bad, in the past couple of years, but I want to learn to better myself so I can do good things for the world.
• My serious dream is to help people. I know for a fact that I would not be where I am today if I did not have the help of others. So I want to continue the cycle.

[ Social - Me ]

• I have experienced loss to a great extent. My father died on my birthday a few years ago and it still can is a little hard to handle.
• I have had horrible, fake friends in the past that have done shitty things to me.
• I was molested as a child.

[ Social - Others]

• I have had many friends and acquaintances who have suffered many things from loss, anxiety, eating disorders, and abuse. Though I have no direct experience with some of those things, I can advise you on what they did and how the person worked through their problem and I can tell you how to go about asking/telling others on what you need rather than what they think you need.

[ Mental ]

• I am diagnosed with Bi-polar I (with psychotic tendencies) and have General Anxiety Disorder.
• I have, in the past, considered suicide.
• I do have therapy animals to help me in my day to day basis with anxiety.
• I consider myself Pansexual with a lean toward women (I am a female myself).

Experienced with

Addiction, Bullying, Depression, Eating Disorders, Education, General, Grieving, Mental Disorders, Phobias, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality, Social Anxiety