• Profile picture of SigmaSuccour
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    SigmaSuccour posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Venting meaninglessly about your problems, will only allow you to relive your stressful past memories. Making you more depressed.
    So don’t think you are doing a good to yourself (or others) by venting so much with your ”i’m just sharing things” and with your status updates about how awful your life is. Saying that will only make things worse.
    Saying that its awesome! (with high energy), even when its not. Might make a difference though, talking about the positive out of all the negative things going in your life, will also add to the betterment of the quality of your life.

    Mood : Cheerful
    • it might, and it might not. it really isn’t so simple like that and people usually have their own ways to cope with whatever they’re going through

    • Everyone needs to vent and let off steam sometimes @sigmasuccour, I’m sure you do too, it’s good to get your feelings out :)

    • With all due respect, your disregard towards emotions is quite vexing. Approaching feelings with a scientific mindset is a huge mistake. We don’t all act according to calculations and diagrams. That is what makes us so complex. You are clearly a Thinker, visible in your approach to other’s posts; breaking them into sections and analysing each of them. But you do not seem to understand, not everyone is a Thinker. There are Feelers as well. When you dismiss someone else’s feelings, it might come back to bite you. ”Feelings” have this name for a reason, they are not logical. Do not expect people not to vent due to being unproductive to their betterment.

      You seem to have found a formula/theory that works for you, but it won’t apply to everyone the same way. Your post sounds condescending, even if it is not your intention. Peculiar to be critic when it comes to depressed individuals giving advice to others, yet, you yourself are not qualified to instruct, not understanding how they feel. It might do more harm than good, regardless of how sound the argument may seem. Your truth is not the ultimate one. Again, I say this with utmost respect.

      Best regards,

    • Duly noted. @splitting-ego
      Although random, I must add, your username seems to fit you quite well. And of course, Thank you for your awesome reply. it felt very refreshing to read it.

    • @oliver
      //Everyone needs to vent and let off steam sometimes//
      > I have nothing against ’venting’ (in general) my friend.
      I vent too, yes.. by telling people about my experiences and learnings that would be interestingly relevant to them. (As a certain teacher taught me. Teaching something that you are passionate about, is the best form of venting.)
      In my post, what I intended to bring to light was, ”meaninglessly venting about problems”. That is what i’m against. Makes sense? (I even gave the reason why, saying that it mostly ends up making things worse. I didn’t even add the element of gossip in it.)

    • @yamoros12
      // it really isn’t so simple//
      > Indeed it isn’t. Especially not so simple as to be explained in a few sentences. But this concept helped me, so I shared it. Considering it might be of service to some other soul.