• Profile picture of beccaboo
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    beccaboo posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    guess I should die I’m nothing in this world I can’t be a fictional person cause of my disability I always have to have help I’m nothing but a waste of space plus no one will\should care when I’m gone

    Mood : Sad
    • Please don’t think like that @beccaboo, you are such a beautiful person Becca who deserves to feel so happy and fantastic, everything will be OK, try to focus on all the positivity and brightness, hold your head up high and be upbeat, you can do it, everything will work out and things will go wonderfully, you are a survivor who will overcome Becca, you will beat all your struggles, you can do it, believe in yourself and keep going, there is always hope, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • Hey there, sorry you’re feeling crappy. This is not a very good mood to be in :( if you need to distract yourself, maybe call a friend (who totally does care about your well being and life) and ask how their day has been, get lost in their life and troubles for a bit. Go for a walk, get some icecream. Read a book. And who says you’re a waste of space just because you have a ”disability?” I put that in brackets because I don’t agree with the way that word is a negative. (I don’t know what disability you have so I hope this helps anyway) just because you maybe aren’t just like what society wrongly deems as ”right” and ”normal” does not mean it’s a bad thing or a ”disability.” There’s no such thing as normal, every human being is different and unique in their own way, both physically and mentally. We all have negatives that we have to work around, but if everyone was the same life would be much more boring. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not ”perfect” or ”normal.” There’s no such thing. Hang in there. Hope I wasn’t offensive or rude in any way.