• Profile picture of saraw22
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    saraw22 posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    I have a quick question for you all: My best friend says that he loves me and that I’m beautiful all the time but does he just mean it as a friend or could it be something more? Sorry for how cliché this is :/

    Mood : Confused
    • Well, this is just what i think, i have mostly female friends, and i compliment them and tell them they are beautiful all the time and tell them i love them also quite a lot… But i don’t see them as more than friends, i just treat them that way, but your guy well, you would need to explain more about how is him as a person or how he treats you?

      If you want to reply to me please message me over PM, it’s easier to talk over there, and feel free to add me to your friends, i like meeting people :)

      PS If you add me or message me and don’t reply now i will do it later.

    • Does it seem like he’s flirting or just being nice?

    • I don’t know, that’s why I’m confused but he does flirt a lot and we text constantly but yeah we’re probably just friends, nevermind. Forget I asked that silly question.

    • No it’s ok, it’s not a silly question at all!

    • And hey, i rather ask you over message, it’s easier to chat there :)