• Profile picture of Bre
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    Bre posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago

    Just a little rant… There’s this girl I know and she’s absolutely unpleasant to be around. She’s very annoying and aggressive with her words. She also believes shes right about EVERYTHING and that her two cents should be should be shoved in every situation, even things that aren’t her business. Unfortunately, she isn’t someone who is all that easy to avoid. We get into it from time to time and it happened again today. Every time we get into an argument she calls me ”bipolar” and says that I’m in a ”bipolar mood”. The last time I checked bipolar isn’t a mood it’s an illness. I don’t actually have the illness either and she isn’t a doctor so I don’t know why she tries to tell me what problems I have. She truly doesn’t understand what the definition of bipolar is, even if I were to read it aloud to her. Also, she tries to drag other people into it claiming that they call me bipolar too. The first time she did it, I actually believed it but the second time she said my OWN BOYFRIEND thought I was bipolar. Right after that came out of her mouth I figured out that when she told me the first person said I was bipolar she made up the whole thing.I knew my boyfriend would never say that and figured out that she tries to pin it on other people. I asked the person she accused on a different account and he was like no I never said that… She just loves to make me think people are ganging up on me; that’s how she gets her satisfaction. It won’t work anymore, though. I’m actually removing her 100% from my life, I’m deleting her off of all my social media and I will not be talking to her in person. I don’t need stressful people in my life.

    Mood : Not Specified
    • Don’t let this person be mean or horrible to you @breek, you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect by others and you deserve so much better, she has no right to treat you that way Bre, I would just forget and ignore her, you should have good people around you who will treat you right, focus on being the wonderful person that you are, I’ll always be here if you ever need to talk or if you ever need a friend, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)