• Profile picture of Blue_Unicorn
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    Blue_Unicorn posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    Suicide is not the answer. Sometimes, its the only option

    Mood : Numb
    • @imsofancy

      As a suicide survivor, I can tell you that suicide is not the answer. I discovered meaning and purpose in my life only after my attempt to end it all.

      What I discovered was that the meaning of life is to give our lives meaning; nobody can do that for us.

      If you ever need or want to talk, my inbox is always open at blahtherapy.com/members/blackholehead

    • Please don’t do anything to yourself @imsofancy, you deserve to be here, you were put on this earth to do great things and to make a positive impact, try to not let things get you down, you are such a remarkable and special person who deserves so much happiness, love and joy, I’m sure everything will work out for you, hold your head up high, keep fighting and never give up, you can do this, keep smiling and being the wonderful individual that you are, remember you are so strong and are never alone, I’ll always be here if you ever need to talk, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)

    • thank you all so much, its just that suicide has been on mind for a long time now. :)