• Profile picture of Miri
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    Miri posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    I’m having a really hard time getting my eating under control, it’s okay one second, completely out of hand the next. It’s like… I know I have control, but it’s just the impulses. They just suck you in and then you can’t stop.

    Mood : Exhausted
    • chipoltle

    • Please eat, you deserve to be happy and healthy @cottonm, don’t let your impulses beat you or get you down, remember you are so beautiful, hold your head up high and keep fighting, you can and will make it through this, don’t give up, you deserve so much happiness and to live a life free of any pain, you can do this, you have so much strength and perseverance in you and are never alone, always believe in yourself, I’m always here if you need to talk or if you need a friend, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)

    • @Oli, you are so sweet. Anytime I see you’ve commented on one of my posts it just brightens my day.

    • (: