• Profile picture of Holly Golightly
    Passing Stranger
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    Holly Golightly posted an update in the group Group logoSelf-harm warriors 9 years, 7 months ago

    The blood is still freshly scabbed on my thigh and side from where I released my sadness. Lately, I feel like my happiness has abandoned me or it was stolen. I am too cowardly to die, but the idea of being pain free is alluring. But I’m trying to think in another light. It is just so hard. I feel like I’ve lost so much, I’ve gained so little, I’ve fought so hard, but not quite enough. At what point should I raise my white flag? At what point is enough, really enough?

    • Hi there. I also recently felt this way. I always heard that cutting yourself was a good way to go when youre depro, and when I did eventually, I really hurt! So I found other ways to make myself feel that pain, because somehow hurting physically hurts less that emotionally. Whats been happening in your life that makes you feel this way?

    • It is so much easier for me to heal from something physical than it is emotional. It sucks. I just don’t feel happy. Nothing. My partner at the time (who left me after I told her about how I felt), my kid, my job, moving into my new place.. nothing makes me happy… its like its just gone. and it hurts. It hurts so bad. I feel like acting out, being stupid, relapsing and doing drugs again…. but instead I grabbed a razor. Something I hadn’t done in years….