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    Passing Stranger
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    HannahTheSometimesHelpfulBannana started the forum topic Frustration in the group Group logoIntrovert 9 years, 9 months ago

    I feel frustrated because i want to let people know that i like to just be alone but i know the usual response is “yes, I need that every once in a while.” No you don’t get it, that is my preferred mode, almost […]

    • Geez, it happen to me too! A friend of mine is the most extrovert person I know, and yet one time when she caught me far away from the others and she yelled at me ”Why are you here alone?!” I quetly answered her that I just want to be by myself because I don’t really like being with a lot of people. And you know what she told me? ”Well, I’m a solitary person, I love to be by myself as well, you know, especially with someone that likes to be by himself as well, but when I’m around the others..” NO BITCH! If you’re with someone than you’re NOT ALONE, geez!