• Profile picture of parklar130
    Passing Stranger
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    parklar130 posted an update 10 years, 5 months ago

    My girlfriend just told me that she has anorexia which makes her feel fat and ugly. She also told me that she cuts herself, and has attempted suicide four times. I need help because if there is a fifth attempt, there will be two bodies instead of one. I would do that for her.

    Mood : Depressed
    • I have, she asked me what I would do if she did kill herself. I said, ”whatever you would want me to.” she said, ”Join me.” I will do anything for her, so i said ”Okay, if you kill yourself, ill kill myself.” She does know that I love her, I tell her every day, at least 5 times a day, but she doesn’t care. She loves me, but she loves pain as well. The only pain I feel in life is when I see her in pain. I could get stabbed, won’t flinch. I see her crying, you would have thought I just got shot with a shotgun. I need help to stop this. The other day, she overdosed on all of her pills before going to sleep, hoping she wouldn’t wake up in the morning. And I know she won’t go to a therapist, so I don’t know what to do. I’m scared I’m going to come home to her hanging from a rope, or with a bloody knife in her hand, and I will break down, and I will fulfill my promise to her. I love her more than anything, she is all I have, i went through the same thing once. I cut myself, I attempted suicide, but I don’t want her to take the same path I did.

    • Okay.