msorchid said 8 years, 9 months ago:

I just dreamt last night that had troubled me so much this morning..
Somehow, i slightly believe in dream interpretations and because of this it causes so much worry in my life right now. One of the scenes from my dreams that was when ‘i was watching the passengers about to leave the boat in the shore, there came so many snakes on the boat and petrified the passengers. Some people started to run and some started to fight the snakes that are about to attack. I was just watching them until i decided to go to my dad and we walk side by side not frightened of the laying snakes around. As i’ve noticed there are plenty of varied snakes on the shore and we just walked past by through it without second thoughts. ‘

I’ve researched the meaning about it on the net and it signifies that dreaming of snakes means someone is sneaking or about to do something bad and boat also represent something not good. How am i supposed to see this as something good? There’s nothing wrong about my life right now, i have been going well with my family and boyfriend. And now that this dream came up, I started worrying about everything. Especially in my relationship with my bf of 2 years. I don’t know but maybe or not there was something going on but i trust him enough and i’m about to tell him about this. But i worry about what might happen.. I started thinking maybe i should broke off my ties with anyone close so as to avoid pain in the future. I don’t what to do about my worries, please help me.