Grace said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Hi(: I go to a independent study school where most of you work is done in textbooks w/o any teacher instruction. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on staying on top of everything? and easy study techniques. thanks

-Brandon- said 10 years, 3 months ago:

While I can’t say I’ve ever attended an independent study school, I have taken a few online college courses.

Tip.1 – Read the material to understand it, not to get done. Understanding each thing you learn will help you recognize those things as they re-appear in later sections.

Tip.2 – Review. A class taught by yourself takes dedication and what I mean by that is self discipline to go back and review sections in order to stay on top of your work.

Tip.3 – Ask for help. Even if you don’t have a teacher physically with you, often times they allow communication with them through email. If you have other people such as a friends or family, you can always ask them too.

General – Self taught classes are easy, but they will only be easy if you are willing to be honest with yourself when you study so always be sure to study with a purpose. If it helps, tab your books with sticky notes and what not so that you can refer back to sections.