Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

It was my friends birthday party and me and my girls mostly kept to ourselves only talking to her brothers so they could give us drinks then i noticed him. Wearing this tight vest looking too cool for school, he was wearing my fav soccer team (man untd) and i smiled but one of my friends was already walking towards him so i just let it go. Then later that night he walked up to me and asked were he could find someone and the moment i heard his voice i swooned(british accent) i held his hand and just pulled him to e dance floor and we danced all night till he got tired and decided we should talk so we did for abit then he kissed me, i kissed him back and we just stood there for a while and he took my phone put his number then whispered in my ear “i will never forget u” then he walked away just like that and i was fuming but still interested so yes ofcourse i called e next day ;)

We talked but i quickly decided he wasnt my type so we just sorta talked once in a while but i never could. forget e day we met. Then a year later i was with my friend and he said he needed to go pick someone up so we went and to my surprise it was him(by then id forgoten him) so he sat next to me and his like i think i know u im like whats ur name he said im Richard and im like oh ya im Amanda then he smiled his heart stopping mind numbing smile and instantly things changed.

From then we never stopped talking we txtd all day and night and he would call me for hours and id call back but then i moved away but we kept talking he was now my bestfriend but i was fast falling inlove(u would too if u heard his voice) and the next time i saw him we danced in e rain which was so romantic but we still never dated really.

Then e trouble started another year later we would fight like literally have full blown fights then he would call apologise and we would be friends again till e next time then i moved back and we would hang out mostly with his friends around and he alwaays told people that they should stay away from me i was ‘family’ but e fighting was getting to us so we talked less and less till he threw me a birthday party to sorta apologise for everything else that was going on and we kiissed that night then he kissed someone els right infront of me(thats when i finally realised just how much i loved this guy) so i was hurt and i dated his bestfriend which hurt him and for e first time he told me how he felt about me so this time the fight was disastrous we didnt talk for months.

I missed him so much it was driving me crazy like crazy crazy and i called him and instantly after talking to him i fell again, i fell deep and we talked again and he would come over and we would cuddle and we would watch movies and just talk about everything and anything we were bestfriends again but i was still scared yet in him i felt safe, with him i felt like i was home and we are not together but his still home to me and his still family. We always have these little moments were he tells me how much i mean to him and i stare into his eyes and i know he would move mountains for me if he had to and i would do e same. So 4 years later here we are and i dont know what e future holds but his still my one love