Celestial Cleric said 9 years, 2 months ago:

The me I wished to be
Was eaten by the you whom was never meant to be seen

My heart – like candy – was swallowed after reckless chewing
Ingested, digested, taken captive within the confines of your stomach

When your nerves would come
My heart would fall just as your stomach did
For I knew that to be the correct response

When butterflies tickled your inners
My heart would soar in the pleasure
Even when it was at my expense

When you were sick,
My heart would ache

When you were full,
My heart would be burdened

Again and again,
Until it was wretched from such a foul place
That I could retrieve it

I held on so tight to that soiled heart, unable to let it go to be cleansed

As others reached for it, I screamed and cried out in agony –
My tears like water on the alligator’s scales
Defended better than my hiccupping words.

And once I let it go, I was reborn anew
With eyes I recognized from days so long ago
With words that came to the tongue by honesty’s grace
With those feelings that I had never been blessed with

And as I look to you now
I can see that the sort of you that exists now
Is the me that I used to be