TheMasterFatman said 9 years, 5 months ago:

I am a 20 year old man, I am named Nick, and I live every day behind a mask of happiness and tranquility. Beneath that mask I am a wreck, I hide because I can’t stand the thought of the people around me worrying. I see people every day and hear them talk about their futures, they say words like independent and “free” and when I hear those a knot forms and I want to cry. When I hear those words I think of being alone, being lost on a road with no signs and no light to guide me. I am terrified of the thought of being free because my thoughts tell me that freedom brings nothing but loneliness. My best friend, the person who I have stood by my entire life wishes to go off and live his life and every time he talks about it I want to grab him and shout “don’t leave me”. But then I realize that he has to, that I can’t hold him back simply because I can’t stand on my own. So instead I laugh, instead I smile and tell him I can’t wait either. But I am lying, I am afraid to be free, I am afraid to be pushed from the nest, I am afraid to take a leap of faith because when it comes right down to it I am too afraid to trust myself.

Gleb said 9 years, 5 months ago:

As concerning your friend – you can’t hold him back, but you can still write him via email or skype.

As for the rest – you should bond with your friends, so you won’t feel lonely. If you do that, you will save yourself from loneliness, fear and everything else. Learn to trust them, and to be trusted.