Amelia said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I have to give a 5 + minute speech later this week for my English class on a topic we just spent the last month researching (everyone has a different topic). Needless to say, I’m terrified. I’m already not great at talking to people in general and I have social anxiety, so speaking in front of a large group of people is not my forte. I’d appreciate any advice!

White Peach Jelly said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I have a hate/love relationship with speeches: Just before I do my speech I wish I’d never signed up for it, and as soon as I finish I feel so proud and happy that I almost always think “Is that it?” and want to do it again.

My advice is to know your topic well, and prepare a speech that you memorise well. However, as soon as you remember your speech and you’re comfortable repeating it without keeping your eyes glued to the page, try and notice the things you find difficult to remember. These are the things you want to either focus on or change/rewrite in a way that you’ll remember better- they are also the first ones you’ll forget during your real speech. And if you keep forgetting something, or changing the wording while you rehearse – do not worry. No one will know that you have forgotten something unless you stop and panic – so keep going with what you know, be confident and no one will ever know that you forgot that word/phrase.

Another advice is to talk slower and louder than you normally would, emphasising the words you want people to remember and pausing at every full stop, and even more so when you change topic/paragraph. This will make you sound confident, and it gives you a couple of seconds more to remember your next bit.

While you’re giving the speech, it would be great if you could look around the room, focusing on different people instead of just one. However, this might be difficult to do if you’re very scared, so try and focus on the people that are listening, nodding or smiling supportively rather than those who seem not to care: looking at supportive/friendly faces will make you feel a lot more confident.

Lastly, and I know it sounds weird, but have fun! Enjoy and savour your every word, smile if some bits are a bit funnier than others, don’t be afraid to be yourself because that will make you look and feel a lot more confident and prepared.

I know for a fact that, until you’re up there, you will be panicking, your heart will be racing and you will want to run away. But it’s all worth it – just think of how proud of yourself you will be once you’re done!

Good luck with your speech! You’ll do great!

Mayur said 11 years, 1 month ago:

1.Stand straight.
2.before going to present,take deep long breathes to calm down to avoid nervousness.
3.Be sure to keep a mild smile when you address.
4.Addressing is the most important thing while giving a sppech.
*Make eye contact with each and every listener randomly to attract attention.
*dont speak too slowly to make them bore or too fast that they dont understand you.maintain a pace.
*end the speech with a lovely smile and dont forget to thank them for their patience and valuable time.
IF it works,please do send me a message and inform me how it was..ALL the best..good luck

Mayur said 11 years, 1 month ago:

AND one more make yourself feel comfortable in crowd,assume that all are deafs sitting .It works very well.trst me.

Chwati:) said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Choose a good topic and talk about what you would like to hear someone talking about. When you go up on stage and you’re nervous, tell yourself it’s okay and also tell yourself you own the world. Like the people HAVE to listen to you and they have no other choice. Walk up like you’re the queen and talk like you own them. This should boost your confidence. Prepare your speech well and once it’s your turn to speak don’t think about your speech, just go with the flow.

Hope this helps!! (It helped two of my friends get a B… it’s not so good, but it’s better than a D)

Amelia said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Thank you sooo much guys! I’m taking all of your advice into consideration, and I do feel more confident now. The speech will be either Tuesday or Wednesday, and I’ll make sure to tell you all how it went! :D Thanks again. It’s nice to know that I have people who care.

Mayur said 11 years, 1 month ago:

U r welcome dear.

Amelia said 11 years, 1 month ago:

@frozenwoods @awesomex15 @whitepeachjelly
Just thought I’d tell you guys how my speech went! I’d practiced for it a bunch beforehand, so I was feeling pretty confident (but also increasingly nervous). Once I got up there and started my voice was a little shaky, and for some reason halfway through I really felt like I was going to faint, but the important thing is…
and I’m so proud of myself.
Thanks again for your support, everyone!

Mayur said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Good job buddy.keep it up.

White Peach Jelly said 11 years ago:

Yayy! So happy you did it! When’s the next one? ;)