Deleted User said 9 years, 6 months ago:

These are just my philosophical thoughts;
Well, I realized that really everything we have is our mind, and we actually don’t know how our reality looks like to anyone else.
And practically all we have is this exact point in time, and that our senses received data and sent to our minds…
And all we ever know in this moment is based on memories and those memories are based on our life,something we heard from others,something we saw on TV and all that…
I am just hoping that you will realize what I am saying (because I can barely understand)

Red Sheep said 9 years, 6 months ago:

This is why I love life. Why? Because each of us has a different point of view, each of us has his or her own world, and our mind is indeed the most important element that we have, and yet our mind itself is still a mistery to us.

Deleted User said 9 years, 6 months ago:

This all is so fascinating and also confusing and makes you think a lot about life,how wonderful it is, and yet how everybody ignores its beauty and just focus on some unimportant and negative things

Deleted User said 9 years, 6 months ago:

Perception is reality. We’re all one collective consciousness experiencing this ‘reality’ subjectively.