kealee b said 8 years, 6 months ago:

My boyfriend is obsessed with facebook to the point he would be on facebook 24.7 if he could. A few months ago I got sick and tired of not getting the love and attention I should get from my boyfriend, so i told him I was taking facebook away until things got better. /they are days he really does try, and then they are days he turns into one of the biggest jerks all over not being on facebook. I dont want to break up. I dont want to control him. I just want his love and attention like I should have.

heyeve said 8 years, 6 months ago:

talk to him, tell him you feel super neglected. tell him you need more attention and love from him than he is giving you BECAUSE of his extreme attention to facebook. if he doesn’t change his ways after having that talk, then i think you know what you need to do.

good luck.