why doesnt my mom and dad love me?y


BTW IM A GIRL IM 15 ~ Ever since i was nine basically ive been taking care of myself. my mom and dad got a divorce when i was about 5. i was young so it didnt really bother me. i was living with my mom, brother, and 3 sisters. but now two of my sister graduated and are out on there own and my brother lives with my grandmother and i hardly ever see him anymore. So no im just living in the house with one of my sisters and its just me and her. my mom still pays all our pills and keeps food on the table but she just isnt here. she lives with her bf. Now that the sister im living with is about to leave in may and go to college my dad wants me to move with him but i refuse too. because he never really did anything for me and nether did my mom. i never had the chance to be a kid. sorry for the tmi.. but nobody taught me to shave, about periods, relationships, nothing. noboddy helped me i did it on my own. everything i have no i got from babysitting my sisters kids. my mom and dad never brought me clothes (unless it was for school), shoes, toys, NOTHING. like nothing . idk im just kind of confused about why he wants to try to act like i need him now

asked November 20, 2014

3 Answers

Honestly, your parent love you. They may not act like it or react the way you want but they love their child. You don't need your father, it sounds like he needs you. Maybe he wants to work it out and make amends before you are grown. Also I recommend meeting with your mother and talking about what happened and why she left your and your father. It might be a rough journey for the treasure of truth and not what you might expect, but you might find the answers for the questions you are looking for. Good luck! May you find peace and truth in your life.
Well, the other side of the coin is that you are still underage and so he may be trying to bridge the gap or he may be trying to say that he knows by law your not supposed to be alone.
I'm sorry. Being a 15 girl is so tough and I'm so sorry your mom isn't there for you. Your fathers timing may not be the greatest but at least he is finally showing up. Maybe its because of guilt for not being there for you or maybe its something else. Does it matter? He is still your father. Even if you don't move in, which understandably would be really disruptive to you. Maybe he can be s a support to you, help you out, be there when you need him. Sounds like its about time. I'd let him in.