Why can’t he talk to me like a human being rather than something nasty he stepped in


my ex contacted me via a dating app his hi (my name) and I replied hi person with no picture that knows my name? I looked at his profile knew it was him as his initials are his username along with his birth year
He replied I know plenty about you but forget i messaged you. I told him to stop getting his friends to catfish me and to stop making me think about him,Then called him a bully and blocked him, ive since deleted profile altogether

LET me explain a little I was in love with him he dumped me via email even though we were only casually seeing each other, I begged and pleaded and done all the weird things exes shouldn’t do. I got back I was ugly and fat, rubbish in bed, my vagina was loose, even down to the colour of my pubic hair that I couldn’t satisfy him he even got others to join in on the name calling,I changed my number and didn’t contact him since that I actually asked a few questions on it. I want to move forward with my life I really do but how do I make him see what he’s doing is not acceptable anymore, he won’t speak to me in person im refusing to text or call him I don’t want to be classed as creepy or stalker again..

is he not happy until he’s pushed me over the edge?

Category: asked April 20, 2015

3 Answers

It sounds like a pretty toxic relationship....you deserve better if he is treating you this way its best to move on and ignore him all together
Sadly there are people out there who will act with this. My best guess is that he is doing this to get back at you for whatever he thinks you did wrong. You just need to move on from him. He is just your past now
Sadly I don't think you are going to get through to him, and that kinda sucks but you need to worry about you happiness and health. You need to just forget him altogether. It's not easy. Stop talking to him and his friends, avoid talking about him. You need to move on and find someone who makes you happpy, makes you feel amazing, and beautiful. Any guy who doesn't make you feel like that or treat you like that isn't worth your time.