Why are we attracted to the person that is all wrong for is?


This is something I have wondered for years! I have this girl type friend that we dated on and off for years. We dated once for a year and then one day just stoped talking to me then like a year and a half she emailed me and we started taking and we tried again. We need up breaking up like a year later. She started to see some one else and I guess they broke up and we started talking more. She use to come over in the mornings for coffee and well let your imagination figure what else.. But then like that nothing just stop taking.

I know when she gets stressed she pushes ppl away and stuff but why do I sit here waiting for her. Like I will resolve my self to be like this is it no more all done and then she calls, texts and I am just like goo and melt.

How do you just walk away from some one that is not right for you but you love them and they know everything about you?

Category: Tags: asked July 22, 2014

3 Answers

I'm in the same situation in your case. I may not be in a relationship, but I am in a toxic friendship that's just like this. I've been friends with this one person for a long time, but it seems like I am the only one who cares enough to act like a friend should act. I get screwed, because they just stop communicating all at once and leave me to myself for a long time until they want something else. It's hard, but I have learned that just cutting off the communication works. It's a realization of the negativity, and the hurt that you get from this friendship/relationship that makes you realized your health is more important than the friendship/relationship that is on and off.. It's like a missing link. They care, then they leave for no reason, then come back when it's all good and better for them. Not caring about how it effects you in the process.It's hard to walk away from someone you love. No matter HOW bad they treat you, you just don't want to lose them.. It's hard, but it's a decision to make to help yourself.
If you care about yourself one bit, leave her. I've been where you are. She's just going to keep you as a backup for whenever she needs someone, and run off as soon as she finds a substitute that's more to her liking, leaving you heartbroken. Think about it carefully, she's not worth it. All this time and effort that you're putting in thinking about her and trying to get this relationship to work, you could be spending on yourself, or pursuing something that's actually good for you. I know it's not easy to walk away when you really love somebody, regardless of how they are, but I think you owe it to yourself by now to call it quits. Not many people would have tried as much as you did.Also, a lot of people get stressed, many of them intrinsically have the habit of pushing people away. However, when they get sorted, they realize what they've done, and they fix it. I'm sorry but quite frankly, it doesn't take an year to do that. If it does, they probably don't care as much.I'm not going to lie to you and say that it'll be easier than you think, it'll probably be the hardest thing you ever did, and you might even falter along the way. That is why you need to clear it in your heart as well as your head that you deserve better. This relationship will get you nowhere. Let her go, and find somebody who will actually appreciate everything you do and will be willing to work for you just as much as you are.
Its because you feel the need to fix them or that they will fix you somehow. It sucks and it hurts deeply every time, but they are either using you as their safety net and you are letting them. If you keep letting them do that then you can't expect anything to change. If you want to, and I mean truly deeply, move on, then you have to put yourself back out on the dating scene and start to talk to other people. Join a dating website, go to a mixer, just do something for you and just not for her. you are as much important as she is, but it will just keep being a vicious cycle with you always loosing.