Why are guys so weird?


If I give a girl a compliment she understands that it’s because I think she is an awesome person. If I give a guy a compliment, he thinks I am hitting on him. Is this ’cause guys are so insecure? Is it ’cause guys always think that dating is all people really care about? (those are both answers I’ve thought of that I really don’t believe in btw…) Why are guys so weird?
Also, I am a small girl, but I am super strong! Why do guys, well and some other girls, think that I am not strong enough or capable enough to climb on high ladders or lift heavy boxes? Is it just because I don’t appear strong? but how can I prove to people that I am strong enough? and Why do i have to prove to people anything? Shouldn’t they just accept that I can do it if I tell them I can?

asked March 5, 2014

2 Answers

The problem here is generalisation. Some men are going to generalise that because you are smaller than them you are not as well equiped to handle certain physical labours, such as climbing or lifting. Another thing that men tend to generalise is flirtation. In my own experience as a man, we don't get a lot of compliments about our appearance, and when we do it tends to come from either family members or significant others. It could be that when these men receive compliments from someone they find attractive, they immediately assume that you think THEY are attractive and trying to flirt with them.

Not ALL men are this shallow, but I do know a lot of men who are. Unfortunately the people who tend to see the world in those sorts of black and white paradigms are not likely to change their views, even if they see information which might convince them otherwise. I myself am guilty of this- despite seeing a petite friend of mine knock a very large man unconscious in one hit, I still feel inclined to protect her when we venture out in public.

I don't know how you can make the situation go away, but my advice would be to just not bother with their opinions; do the heavy lifting, climb the ladders, pay all the compliments you want and avoid trying to change their minds. Just be yourself. Who cares if some fellas are too narrow-minded to accept you? It's their loss, anyway!
Girls do exactly the same thing, It has become a depressing social convention to assume that a guy/girl who is complimenting you wants you.Unfortunately, it's what people naturally assume, and a lot of people (Girls and guys) Do unintentionally lead people on with their actions.And in regard to being strong, Some people (I am one of these people) Don't try and help because they think you're weak, they try to help because they want to help. :)Hope you feel this issue is resolved, Here if you want to talk about it :)