Why am I this way?


I can’t even remember when I decided this, but I decided that I was going to give up on myself as an individual. I was going to give up on everything personal. I was going to pour my entire life into benefiting the human race. I wanted to become an Aerospace engineer and get us off of this planet and allow us to expand, I wanted to become an Astrophysicist to help us understand our universe. I didn’t want to do this because I wanted to be remembered, because I wanted a statue to be built for myself, I didn’t care if I, as a person, was forgotten completely. All I knew is that I wanted to aid in the long-term survival and prosperity of my species because that is our only true legacy. But then something happened that I didn’t expect, I didn’t ask for it. I fell in Love. And now all those things that I thought I had abandoned, those personal desires came back. It’s complete euphoria, being in love. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, but my happiness doesn’t function like I think it should (If that sentence makes sense). Every emotion I feel is immediately analyzed. for example; I feel the urge to do something romantic, immediately my mind goes; “you’re simply succumbing to your biological urges, you’re wasting time indulging in unnecessary feelings.” And I feel guilty for feeling. I completely agree with that analytic part of my mind, it is correct. So I don’t want to change, I don’t want any of you to attempt to convince me that It’s okay to feel, It isn’t okay, Its my duty as a human to put my race before myself. I simply want an explanation on why I am this way. I am aware that this is not a normal frame of mind for anyone to be in, I simply want to know why I am this way.

Category: asked December 21, 2014

3 Answers

First of all, don't feel guilty for feeling. You're human, and therefore are subject to biological error. This is beyond your control, and as a human and a member of our species, you must accept that this is simply another part of you.

Also, as much as I commend you for your dedication to improving the human race, you are also one of the rest of us. You have a little bit of the world in you. I, along with every other decent human being, ask you to take care of that piece of yourself. You have a world of friends, family, acquaintances, etc., all who will be affected by you at some point in their lives in some way.

Let me put it this way: you can't be a good doctor if you don't take care of yourself the way you take care of your patients. You'll just get everyone sick. So take care of yourself, love yourself, and you will be taking care of part of the world as well. Continue going on to become an astrophysicist if you want, but know that that one little bit of help could be doubled if you learned to love yourself.

Learn to look at yourself as someone beautiful and intelligent and important. Cherish the piece of the world that you make up. The people who love you will be happy, the people know you will be at peace, and the people you meet will see something brighter and more beautiful to light up their lives.
You're that way because you chose to be, at anytime you can change aslong as its for good reason.
Why do you care to know? If you have truly abandoned yourself as a person then none of this introspection should matter.