Who should I be mad at?


My best friend and my ex like each other, and I still have feelings for him..who should I be mad at?

Tags: asked September 19, 2013

6 Answers

that isnt your bestfriend if they are together , your bestfriend would never go off to your ex .. its best to let them be together and let karma do its job !
It's not a matter of who you "should" be mad at, it's a matter of how you deal with your anger. This is a tough situation and I can imagine you feel betrayed, lonely, angry and bitter maybe. But the best thing to do is to not dwell on the negative feelings and try to find positive substitutes. You might still like him, but there are other people out there. I know that's cliche and easy to say, and I know that it might seem like the end of the world to lose the person you like/love/care about, but it really will make you a stronger person to accept the situation and let go of the negative feelings. Why don't you try focusing on some hobbies or interests you like and spend some quality time loving yourself unconditionally? Afterall, the person who never leaves you is yourself, so you might as well treat yourself the best that you can. GL.
If they honestly like each other, and it's not that they're just frisky and horny, then I hope you find it in yourself to let them be happy. Because how would you feel if you're in your best friend's situation. If she's a good friend, she'll tell you she'll let him go. But if you're a better person, you'll let them be happy. Because they might be the ones intended for each other, and you could be the only thing holding back their happy ending.
At him for liking a friend of yours, at her for liking your ex, at yourself for still having feelings for him. You can be mad at everybody, or at no one, I suggest the second option.
i think you shouldnt be mad at all.you should talk to your bfriend about your feelings and if you really feel you cant bear them being together tell her that and if she really such a good friend she will respect that.good luck :)
I am currently in this situation and....... This whole "A best friend would never let herself grow feeling for your ex" is complete crap!!!

My bestfriend of 10 years is dating my ex of 4 years. You don't own your ex for the rest of his life, and you can't help still liking him, so you can't expect your friend to just ignore her feelings, that's not fair to anyone.

That being said he is your ex, and if your clearly not going get back together, be an adult and let them be happy. It's not like she had sex with him while you were dating.

Don't let jealously get the best of you, you'll be single and lose a friend.

But referring back to my first sentence...If she's a good friend she won't dwell on it and throw it into your face or ask you for advice unless you offer it.

My ex and my bestfriend wouldn't still be together if it wasn't for me helping her work things out with him from time to time. But I will admit to this day, 4 years later, I do still get sick of hearing about it from time to time.

Moral of the story, put your jealousy aside and be happy for her!