What’s wrong with me?


I feel like I don’t belong here. Anywhere.
And It’s not a “phase”. I’ve felt like this since I was little.
Now I just can’t do anything. I can’t go to college cuz it makes me feel depressed, I can’t get up at morning.
I don’t feel depressed anymore. I used to think this was my problem. But no, I feel like life isn’t worth living and there’s no meaning for everything.
There is so many people starving and so many people aching and it just wont stop.
The world is awful and it wont stop.
Nobody even cares.
I don’t want to live in this world.
I’m afraid to kill myself cuz I don’t know what will happen next.
What if I don’t die? Like, my spirit.
I don’t actually believe in this shit, but… Who knows right.

I just feel so disconnected.

Tags: asked March 10, 2014

3 Answers

You need to let go of the things you can't control. People die, there are horrible things that happen all over the world every day, but there are wonderful things and amazing people that walk the Earth, too.You can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you can only control the little things in your life that can end up being big things to someone around you. Take care of yourself, because this life is for all we know all we have, and if you don't take advantage of what we get, then it's all just a waste.Be the best person you can be, and love every minute of it, because that's the entire point.
You were all over the place with your question, and all I could really get from you is that you feel hyper-empathic and at the same time detached.

Elaborate a bit on your past and try to explain why you feel the way you do.
I know how you feel and its not a nice feeling, but you got to believe that one day it will be okay and we will be happy