What to do when you randomly get the urge to cry?


Sometimes, even at the happiest of moments, I get very sad and just have to urge to cry, why is this? What can make this stop? Is anyone else like this?

Category: asked October 9, 2014

7 Answers

Yup, especially lately. I've been struggling with depression for nearly 6 years now, and this year I think I've cried a lot more but that is strange because I thought I was getting better :/ I think it's just all the suppressed emotions over the years and how even if I fool myself into thinking I'm happy in a moment, I'm still dying inside. Maybe it's the same for you? *hugs*
I'm the same way. I can cry watching a commercial for detergent. It could have alot to do with hormones when it comes to being a woman. Yet we still can't explain why we cry when we are very happy. Honestly every time I feel pure joy I get chills and tear up immediately.There could be other things going on, I mean if there a higher stress level or if you find your self over overwhelmingly emotional for no reason then I would consult your choice of help that fits you best.Otherwise if you always have been like this, Its probably just you being you. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I can see where at times it can be harder to control when it comes to the bad stuff in life, yet a bit easier to control when your happy and good things are happening. I hope this makes sense to you, but remember You are not alone @lacey. Ever need to let it out hit me up anytime...
I don't think crying by itself is a sign of depression. I'm pretty driven & productive nowadays, and sometimes I still get inappropriate tears I can't explain. I just give myself a minute in the bathroom, let it out as much as I need to, then get on with my day. And if I have to head back to the bathroom for a few more minutes, I do it. I can't explain why it happens; sometimes I'm mystified.

There are times when I know it's hormones, I should mention. Or food. I'm female, and even at 28 years old there are times when I know it's an internal, chemical problem that's making me react differently to the world around me. But it took me a really long time to get that in-touch with myself. And anyway, it's not the only explanation.

If you have other symptoms of depression (for instance, long periods of listlessness/boredom), you may have depression.

I think it's important to take care of yourself, keep track of your eating & water intake (at least in a general way, like "I had breakfast today"), and try and get some activity in, even when you're just going through the motions.

I suffered from depression a few years ago (and previous to that in high school) and for me it was something I recovered from really slowly. But I think one positive thing I did (in high school) was that I still expended energy. Mind you, I didn't think I -had- energy at the time; hiking up to a lookout point near my house every day was more of a monotonous task than it was exercise (I didn't care what I was doing so it might as well be that). But I think when I was ready to release other issues, that's something that put me in the right physical state to do it.
Sometimes it's just good to cry. It happens to everyone. Just find a shoulder to cry on and let it all out <3
I've found that when I tried to stop myself in the past, it just built up and I ended up crying anyway. I just go with it now, if I feel the need to cry, I will. It's not a sign of weakness and can sometimes make you feel better. :)
Just enjoy it, Allow yourself to feel the emotions that come out, I like crying in the shower and at first I felt down or silly or not knowing why I felt bad in the first place but now when it happens I try to appreciate my emotions. I feel a sense of relief and refreshed afterwards specially after a warm steamy shower you get out and cold air hits you and you feel rejuvenated like its a new start on the day. It's so much healthier then to try and hold it back.
That happens to me too, and when I'm alone, I do nothing. There isn't any point, because crying is natural, and you should at least be okay crying in front of yourself if not others.