What to do about my inlaws


I dislike both of my in laws.MY hubby and I have been together for 15 years and have kids. I have never cared for my mother in law she is very rude,smart mouth manipulative and prideful and materialistic,and turns the other cheek to her cheating husband as if he is perfect and saintly.Every thing with her is my my my and being self absorbed..I can tell its all act for insecurities.From the outside she plays the role of good christian wife and everyone thinks shes so nice and kiss her ass but they dont know the real person.When you confront her she turns it around as if she is innocent and you did something to her,i think shes bipolar.We have been nothing but nice to her and im sick of it.My father in law is a hateful,cheating alcoholic who gossips and lies on people. even my hubby and son and his other children who kiss his butt because the are afraid of him.He also sits in church on sunday and then comes home and acts like a devil. He is known for his cheating ways even doing things in front of my son with women. But she wont acknowledge what he is doing. My husband says she knows but she damn sure dont act like it. Im tired of her prancing around like she so perfect and has this perfect life and she also has a disease that could take her any day but yet she worried about someone putting there feet on her couch.and values a bottle of dish detergent. What should I do about this? Should I separate myself from them and love them from a distance because I dont want this to come between my husband and kids.And I cant stand to be in there pressence anymore.thanks for your help in advance!!

Category: Tags: asked June 17, 2013

2 Answers

I can relate. I sometimes could not stand my mother in law, but then she passed. I sometimes feel bad that we didn't have a good relationship, but in life you have to understand that not every relationship is meant to be. Please be careful when you discuss the subject with your husband. Even though he knows your telling the truth, it is his mom and dad, and even if he won't say so his feelings do get hurt, and he can resent you for it. You do have to talk to your husband about it and come to an agreement on what to do so you both feel comfortable. I know I don't have the best advice, but all I can say is be very careful, my husband still resents the way I handled things with my mother in law. Good luck!
People like to play those games, it's sad, but YOU do not have to be around it. So you can skip out, I always find humor in everything. So when people act like that, I literally laugh inappropriatly, most of the time (unless they have no self awareness or do have a seriously mental disorder ) they quickly are thrown off and have to look at their actions, or realize what they said...they question themselves.." Why are they laughing? Did I say something funny?" Sometimes they catch on..I never have taken crap from anyone, ever. I've butted heads many times with my ex in-laws, and once they realized the truth, then they came around, or at least for my kids sake. Sometimes people benifiet from watching themselves on video..I did. Good luck either way!