What should I say to him?


My boyfriend and I have been in a rocky situation this past summer. We are a long distance couple that met in college. This past summer I have visited him 3 times this summer while he only visited me once. The only way for me to see him this week if he came and visited me (because of my strict parents), which was today and leave on friday because he has work the next day. It didn’t happen because of work, plus he lives 2hrs away. I was texting him and he said “I’m driving, I’ll ttyl when i get to my friends house” who lives 2hrs away from him. I don’t understand why he went there instead of visiting me. How do I get to talk to him about this upsetting situation without starting a fight? HELP!

Category: Tags: asked June 25, 2014

2 Answers

Just ask him how his visit with his friend went and ask him what they did. He'll probably tell you. Ask him if he can put you at the top of his list for his next 2-hour drive.
I'm going to try to help because I understand exactly where you are coming from. I've been in a relationship for almost 4 years now, and the first two were long distance and the past two summers we've been separated because of school. When we're separated we live two hours away- very similar to you and your boyfriend. There are some things that need to be evaluated before I can get to some advice. Are you both busy? You mentioned he's working. If you're not working while he is you might have more time to make those trips to see him than he is to see you. If that's the case then just tell him that you realize that he is busy with work (and whatever else is going on), but you would like him to meet you halfway as far as effort goes in your relationship. If his work isn't that demanding, has he seen his friend less than he has seen you? Friends are (or at least should be) important to both of you. He may not have been trying to be rude or make you feel bad about your relationship. He may not realize the effect his actions had when he chose to go see his friend instead of you. The best way to approach this topic with him is just to be up front about it. I've been through almost the same situation, and my boyfriend didn't even realize he was making me feel that way. There isn't any easy way to handle it, so if what you have is real and he agrees that it's as worth it as you think it is, he will understand what you're saying and work on it with you. If it turns into a fight then you need to know what kind of priority your relationship is. A relationship only works when both people are putting in the effort, and you both need to meet each other halfway here. This may not be the answer you were looking for, but, from my experience, you just have to be honest and up front about it all. I hope it all works out for you! Long distance can be hard, but in the end it's worth it.