What should I do and do I have a chance?


So my question is how can i get this girl i am referring to accompany me to Prom?

So this might be a bit long so id gratefully appreciate it if someone were to have actually read all this.
Ill refer to the girl im interested in as “Sarah” (not her real name)

So i met Sana through a mutual friendship between me and one of her friends at the Homecoming Dance on late October 2013. After the dance was over she quickly insisted for me to ask her what her phone number was. Neither of us saw or texted each other the week following the Homecoming dance but then randomly she texted me. We texted for the remainder of the night. The following day we texted more than eventually we had each other added on Google Hangouts and Skype. Soon following this we started seeing each other by meeting up 10 or 15 minutes before school started near or in the library. This stream basically continues on from there to now with few alterations here and there (Meet up at brunch or lunch, not meeting up before school anymore). She essentially starts every conversation with me on google hangouts and randomly may “taze” me during passing periods if she sees me (but we just continue on to our classes).
Also sometimes she doesnt want to hang out with me “Ex: Asks her to come to the movies with me and my friends, instead doesnt feel like it because she wants to watch anime)

The main reason as to why i cant see a relationship between us is that Sarah is very unique from any other ive ever met. Like we may talk to each other a lot but i feel like she is super insecure and just a social person and most likely see’s me as a friend and It’s not that hard to make her laugh (essentially anyone that makes one little remark can make her laugh).

In conclusion, we talk and have a lot of fun with each other, but i feel like she’ll just not be interested into getting in a relationship but I dont know about prom.

I feel like if i ask her she’ll say no and make it very awkward with me not because she doesnt like me, just because of her really different personality from other girls and prolly would just want to stay home and watch anime or something.

Category: Tags: asked April 2, 2014

1 Answer

Ask her to prom! You already know that "No" maybe her answer....so go for it, you have nothing to lose...Life is too short to not take chances....Best of Luck!