What am I dealing with?


What am I dealing with when I wake up in the morning and feel like I’m missing something in my life. I just got a new job that is full time, great pay and my boss is understanding. I recently lost a hamster so I went and got two cats that I absolutely love. I have been in a very loving relationship for the last three years and I am currently going to college… I feel like for once in my life I have everything all figured out but this feeling of needing something that I cant find is getting in the way of what I have going on. I’m not even excited to go home after work or to even work. I can think of all the things I want to be doing but when I have the opportunity to do them I choose not to because I’ve lost my motivation.

asked October 21, 2014

4 Answers

Put down your laptop, tablet, phone for a while and go for a walk outside. These glowing screens of information make us constantly want more while constantly feeling dissatisfied, the outside world, a bit of sun, some trees and a few miles under your feet will make you feel much better and get to appreciate what else you have.
I can understand how you're feeling right now and I honestly really hope it gets resolved as soon as possible. Whenever you have so many lovely things happen to you, to some extent you kind of feel a bit overwhelmed, I mean why is everything going so perfectly? Personally, I think as human beings we aren't used to everything going so well, nothings perfect right? I have been in a similar situation and I constantly tried to find something to blame but I couldn't find anything and I just got upset and angry over the smallest of things. Its important to appreciate the things you have and I'm glad you recognize everything that is in your life right now :] Once you get used to work and your 'new life' everything will settle down, just give it some time. Try not to overthink about this and the motivation will come in itself. I don't even know you but I'm honestly so happy for you and I honestly think you should award yourself for everything you've achieved and maybe thats what you need to regain your motivation? Try to do things you've always wanted to do, help others and be helped and maybe everyday list 3 things that youre grateful for? Watch motivational speeches and challenge yourself to work out of your comfort zone and most of all take care of yourself and I assure you that things will solve themselves out :'] I wish you the best of luck with your new job and I hope you have the most successful career! <3 Hope I helped a bit :]
What you need is faith. You lack a sense of faith. What do you hold on too? You need passion in your life. It could be anything, even religion I mean. Sometimes, God wants you to remember Him and that's why he makes you feel as though something is missing. Just remember to be thankful for what you have and never miss out on the sweet little things in life. They would help you a lot later on.
I agree with Leia 100%