Wasp in my house… I have a phobia


A few days ago, I discovered a yellow jacket carcass on my windowsill. I was disturbed but wrote it off as a fluke and told myself to be grateful it was already dead. But last night, I went to go make a sandwich and was greeted with a horrifying BZZ! I looked up to see my worst nightmare buzzing frantically around the light, he looked frustrated and confused and I was mortified. I called for my boyfriend and hid in the bathroom as he combated the bug with febreeze. He insists that it is dead, but we have not found a body, so of course that’s not good enough for me.
I’ve been torturing myself over this since. I got MAYBE two hours of sleep last night and my imagination’s been running wild with worst-case-scenarios.
I’ve always been afraid of most bugs, but flying/stinging ones are where my phobia is at it’s strongest. I’ve killed spiders, centipedes, moths, beetles and flies in my house before, but never a wasp! I have no idea how to deal with this. I’m clutching some bug spray and a flyswatter in my locked room and still I’m still paranoid. Logic really doesn’t do anything to calm me, no matter how many times I tell myself “It’s just a bug”. I feel trapped in many ways.
Any advice or support would be appreciated, thank you!!!!

Category: Tags: asked September 17, 2014

5 Answers

Are you afraid of honeybee too? They look similar. Since honeybee is so fascinating creature, maybe you can learn about her, see some movies, read a book. You might fall in love with her.
You already know how they go towards lights, so just turn on one far away from you, orbit and do your stuff far away around it, and if nothing goes there, you can relax. Get some fly poison can to keep around in case one appears. I have a similar problem with hornets from the chimney, and I have a mild phobia about it too. I just turn a light on, far on the other side of that room, if there's one around, they go there, and I can safely spray them for a second, and after that, they go mad, still around the light, and eventually fall and keep going for a few minutes on the floor, then stop. Unless you are punching their nest, you won't be their priority.
Well, when my relative found a brown recluse in her house she had to use a gas bomb thing and leave for a few hours, thats the only thing i can think of that would help you in your situation. Good luck.
I'm sorry for you, i can totally understand you! I am very afraid of spiders but I always have a bug spray beside my bed. I feel a lot safer now! Although I'm not a friend of killing animals but I can't get over bringing them outside either!
Seriously.... I am the exact same way with spiders.. I can't go far into dark basements without running upstairs... It got so bad that once my boyfriend was teasing me by not getting the spider and I literally balled my ass off.. I was crying for a good 2 hours... It's normal to have phobias. Not something to be ashamed of..And i have heard the only way to ever get rid of your phobia is to face your fear..