Was it innocent or rape? Should I get over it?


Ok, I have kept this inside for 8 or so years so I have to get it out and get some answers.
I was raped at 13 years old, after that I found my first love or he found me to be exact and he was my first willing sex partner. But I had no voice so I let him do what ever he wanted to me whether I wanted it or not. So it is my fault for letting him treat me like a sex object in a way. I have no doubt that he loved me though, he loved me very much. He knew I was open to everything, so he thought. I just never said what I liked and didn’t out of fear I guess… So one time we were having sex and without warning stuck his thumb in my ***. We haven’t even done anal before this or anything. He didn’t know if I liked it or not because we didn’t discuss trying to or anything. Anyways, that’s not really the big issue I’m getting at, just one example. One morning I was sleeping and he decided to stick his **** in me while I was sleeping. I woke up and out of fear again, I didn’t say one word, just let him finish. Now 8 or so years later here I am back with him. My first love. Now I speak my mind and tell him what I don’t like and he doesn’t do things like that. He hasn’t. I don’t think he would now. This time I tell him to respect me. Do not touch my *** in public, I don’t like this during sex.. And he listens the best he can which is good. But now I can’t stop thinking about what I didn’t say 8 years ago. I want to talk to him about it but I’m scared… Opinions??
Another important factor… Through the 8 years in between, there were more things that happened that would cause triggers and ptsd… Not going on with detail about those though, and I really need some mature people who can at least try to understand both sides.

Category: Tags: asked July 22, 2014

3 Answers

I think that if you told him what you felt 8 years ago, you'll see how he feels about it, and that will give you the answer.
With people who freeze during sexual activities it's a complicated matter. Yes, there wasn't consent, so you felt raped. But he didn't know there wasn't consent, he didn't know he was raping you, and to commit a crime, there has to be the awareness of it happening. He could have asked you anything to check on you, though, so he was acting recklessly. One thing is what comes out of a trial that applies the law, one thing is what you felt was happening.
Getting over it might mean to let him know what was happening.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD2EooMhqRI Its called Wanna have sex? (Consent 101) It is really amazingly helpful to hear it laid out this way I really hope you watch it.
It was a rape but it was something he couldn't realise and neither did you,if he knew you didn't like it he wouldn't have went ahead with it and if you knew you didn't feel comfortable with you would've definitely told him..Sometimes mistakes can be from both sides,we all do mistakes when we are young and years later realise why this even happened,and how did I let it go when I should've but not..Don't overstress yourself with what happened in the past,take that as a good experience and move forward..