Success and Happiness: To Have or Not To Have?


Society in general often has these notions of what success and happiness is — getting a large house, having a nice car, having money in the bank. A lot of people claim their happiness comes from knowing they have these things, yet I’m sure you’ve also met people who claim that not being attached to material things can be the ultimate source of satisfaction in their lives. What do you guys think?

Category: Tags: asked September 24, 2014

4 Answers

The answer for this question varies from person to person. And my answer might confuse you. But for me I don't tie my happiness from having over the top success my happiness is in the people I loves happiness. I mean I don't want to be poor and out on the streets, but being rich isn't something I want either. I'm happy just getting by. And having my loved ones with me and happy.
My belief is that ultimately. All satisfaction is immaterial. A person who is happy because they have a Mustang and a person who is happy because they -believe- they have a Mustang are both equally happy.

You don't need any material things in order to be happy and satisfied, all you need is yourself. That's how many african tribes live.

However .. Material things can lead to coming to these realizations and abstractions. Kind of like teaching kids to count with straws. Or learning fractions from playing video games.

Some material things help us see the world in a different perspective.

Ultimately .. It's never material ..

If people disapproved, no one would get mustangs.

If you didn't like the music, and no one cared, you wouldn't buy the CD

And if no one sold anything for dollars, no one would work for money.

We give objects meaning .. But it's the meaning that counts

This is just my opinion.
Happiness for me is simple. Having the necessities of life (ex. roof over my head, clothes on my back, running car, etc). Having someone to love and people to love me back (especially family). And though happiness is truly attached to some material things (hence the house, clothes and car I mentioned earlier) there's some forms of happiness that can't be fulfilled with items, only emotion.
One can not define happiness in a single perspective. It depends on a lot of factors for example: The personality type Environment Relationships Family and friends Finances I think it depends mostly on what kind of a person you are. Some people are always happy, trying to find joy in the smallest possible things in bleakest or worst possible scenario. So its the way of looking at things that matters. But at the same time it is hard to neglect money factor. If you can not make ends meet, can not afford good education or health and you suffer it seems hard to be always happy in that case. As for relationships, family and friends, if you are lucky that means good support and understanding and care. One can find joy in life, does not matter if u have a lot or not. So material things only matter if one is , i would say weak person, does not have the strength of charactor. If one is strong, he or she can not only find joy but also knows not to vent the frustrations on others.( which comes usually with the package).