Stress Relievers?


What is your way of relieving stress and stopping the want to be angry?
I’ve been, recently, having a tad bit of anger issues and I’m not sure where they come from. My anger will come out of nowhere and will have no reason but will be bad. This anger has caused me to hurt the heart of the love of my life…and I’m sick of hurting him…but I feel like I can’t control it. How would I go about keeping myself calm?

asked March 26, 2015

4 Answers

One thing is I keep a little ball I squeeze when I get mad. It helps some. And sometimes a break a pencil or two if it gets to be too much, and that helps me. There are many different things you could do. I hope this helps some :)
I love to play games and watch movies. Whenever I'm stressed out, I'll just look for a game to play or fantastic film to watch. It really lessen my pressure from something bad. Listening to wonderful music was a good option too. :) And what we're doing right here (blahtherapy) can also make you better, chatting to someone or asking for advice.
I have considering getting a stress ball.
Breathing exercises helps some people