Please help me


I so depressed, my head is always heavy. I get bad thoughts & always think of wanting to die. I can’t think straight, i don’t understand why i was ever born. I starve myself i don’t eat, i drink a lot of alcohol. I did stop for a while & started back again i just don’t want to be soba, i don’t want to be me. I don’t understand whats wrong with me. I don’t sleep but when i do it’s not long. Please help me I’m fed up of where i am & i really want to change & sort my life out. Then i get thought in my head of me not being good enough & I’m useless, powerless to change. I get thoughts of wanting to die. I think about ways to kill myself. My head hurts so much it’s like a crowd of people talking at the same time,then i cut myself & it makes me feel better but then it starts all over again,i really want it to stop. Why can’t i be normal Whats wrong with me Please help me have i got a mental problem.

Tags: asked April 20, 2013

1 Answer

Hello well first I must say that asking for help is first step. You need to talk to someone like a counsler/doctor. Because you don't deserve to die. You are unique and you might not know your purpose yet but you have one. Last year I read a book an it has a quit in it that saved my life The world is like a machine. Machines don't have missing parts that means you and me are here for a reason we just don't know it yet-the adventures of Hugo cabertThis quote means that no matter how useless you think you are you have a purpose some day you will know what it is. If you ever want to talk you can email me at [email protected]